We are committedto improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking.
Organisation's Structure
The Freuds Group (Group)is an independent group of creative agencies, providing communications andproduction services in the marketing sector. Our ultimate parent company is Freud4.0 Limited. Freud 4.0 Limited has its head office in the UK. The Group has 311employees worldwide and operates in the UK and USA.
Our Business
Our Group isorganised into several core business units, namely:
(1) freud Communications– PR & Communications
(2) freuds +- Health & Behaviour Change
(3) freudsRepublic – Insights
(4) freudsSignature – Talent Procurement;
(5) The OneNine Three Group – Corporate Affairs & Financial PR
(6) Proud-Robinson– Event Production
(7) AtomizedStudios – Content Production
(8) iD –Design
(9) Podium –Sports & Entertainment
(10) One point Five – SustainabilityCommunications
(11) Lawless Studio – Street Art Studio
Our Supply Chains
Our supply chainsinclude event production, content production, photography services and othersuppliers connected to our core business.
Our Policies on Slavery and Human Trafficking
We are committedto ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supplychains or in any part of our business. Our Anti-slavery Policy reflects ourcommitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our businessrelationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controlsto ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place any where in outsupply chains.
Due Diligence Processes for Slavery and HumanTrafficking
As part of ourinitiative to identify and mitigate risk we have in place systems to:
· Identifyand assess potential risk areas in our supply chains.
· Mitigatethe risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains.
· Monitorpotential risk areas in our supply chains.
· Protectwhistle blowers.
Supplier Adherence to Our Values And Ethics
We have zerotolerance to slavery and human trafficking. To ensure all those in our supplychain and contractors comply with our values and ethics we have in place a supplychain compliance programme.
We have adedicated compliance team, which consists of involvement from the followingdepartments:
· Legal
· Finance
· People& Development
· Salesteams
To ensure a highlevel of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking inour supply chains and our business, we provide training to our staff. We alsorequire our business partners to provides training to their staff and suppliersand providers.
Our Effectiveness in Combating Slavery andHuman Trafficking
We use keyperformance indicators (KPIs) to measure how effective we have been to ensurethat slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of ourbusiness or supply chains.
This statement ismade pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutesour Group's slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial yearending 31 December 2024.